Monday, August 18, 2008

Making Fun of Jesus (and other deities for that matter)

Got some people upset at me for making fun of Jesus and here's what I have to say on that topic: Jesus was an enlightened being...He most certainly had to have had a sense of humor. Being fully spiritually realized, he would have been void of all ego, which means he would have taken no offense to anyone who seemingly "made fun of him" even if it were perceived by others to be insults. Any so-called Christians, i.e. followers of Jesus, who become offended by Jesus jokes, are not truly following the teachings of Christ. Because Jesus told you to turn the other cheek, and he never told anyone to come to his defense, and furthermore, according to the bible, Jesus despised religion! By being part of organized religion, you disobey his true teachings. So to the so-called "Christian Warriors of God," educate yourselves on the true teachings of Jesus, and stop being hypocrites by supporting the annihilation of other races and creeds. If you are offended by Jesus jokes, it is because you live your life in fear, and your ego has total control of you. The teachings of Jesus were no different from that of the Buddah and Lord Krishna...Look deep within yourself, to destroy the fear you hold within, and peel away the layers of your ego, so that your true inner self, the infinite light being that dwells throughout the cosmos, may emerge and shine on forever. Show some love people! Check out God Loves ME best! It's dedicated not only to all the hypocrites, but to the people who enjoy making fun of the hypocrites.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Pastor Rick's Purpose Driven Talks - Obama's Blunders

Last night's purpose driven discussions between Pastor Rick Warren and the presidential candidates is yet another perfect example of why the time is now for God Loves ME Best! Jesus Christ!! Are you fucking kidding me? An evangelical religious platform to question presidential candidates on their purpose and intent. WHAT THE?????

I want the republicans out of office just as much as the next advocate for Earth and humanity, but listen, McCain blew Obama out of California last night. Both candidates were excellent at dodging the actual questions and answering everything in a round-about way that would seem to appease all, but there was one tough question where Obama seriously blundered; The one that Pastor Rick asked about the definition of RICH in America. Obama stupidly defined rich as having an income of over $150K, and then proceeded to explain how he would create higher taxes for that category! While it makes sense to tax the rich and relieve the poor, the higher income swing voters don't want to hear stuff like that. McCain, masterfully answered that question, explaining that the term RICH was all relative, and pertained to having a good job, with a home and a supportive family, and then explained that he didn't want to raise taxes for anyone.

If Obama is the best that that Democrats could do to produce a quality candidate, I can tell you already, looks like God is going to like the republicans best because Obama is playing right into the hands of the war mongers! Get used to war people!! Cuz' it ain't ending in our life-times unless the Obama camp devises more intelligent tactics.

And by the way...Did anyone notice McCain claiming that he "knows how to get Osama Bin Laden?" How the fuck do you know how to get Osama Bin Laden unless he's playing croquet in your back yard? WHAT THE???!!! WHAT IN THE??!!!

Go Michael Phelps!!!!!!!!