Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The True Religion of God

I received a comment today from a Muslim: "Islam is a peaceful religion , Islam is the true religion of God."
Here's the video he sent me: (It's a lovely video, I truly enjoyed it.)

What struck me, is this fellow's words: "Islam is the true religion of God." Fine by me, but I'm imagining there's a few Christians, Jews, and Devil worshippers who beg to differ. And then I got to thinkin'......I sure would like to see all those folks in the same little room together singing to one another and discussing "The true religion of God."  Maybe even a bathroom. Maybe even a rest stop bathroom somewhere along the I-10 in what I like to refer to as the butthole of Texas. (That's probably not very nice, but it's true! You ever driven through Texas on the I-10?....It totally sucks ass!)

Wouldn't that be fun?

So here was my response to the Islamic fellow:

I know Islam is Peaceful brother, what I've done is shot a TV show about the hypocrites in order to make fun of their ignorance. This is not to deny the goodness that people experience in all religions. Not just in Islam by the way. That's the other reason I made this show. Because no religion is a "true religion of God" unless it accepts the religions of all others. Once you become close minded, you are a hypocrite to what God really stands for...LOVE.

And that's how it went down.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

McCain: On Bringing Troops Home

In case you were wondering how Senator McCain feels about bringing our troops home, including my loved one,
here's a sample:

The only hope for any possibility of peace in this world is to vote for the other guy. No, it's not time to simply leave it in the hands of the Lord. No, it's not time for Armageddon, apocalypse, second coming, judgement day. People have been thinking that every century for the last two thousand years. It's not a matter of accepting Jesus Christ or spontaneously combusting.

It's a matter of hope and change. And if there is to be any hope of change, people must awaken. Or we can just "stay the course" and passively witness our demise. Holy Roman Empire! Haven't we seen this before? If the United States "stays the course" She will crumble. Maybe not in our life times, but She will crumble if there isn't conscious reformation NOW!

It would be wonderful if humanity could awaken as a whole, and rise to unite as one above fear and hatred. Above segregation of religion and race. But that is idealistic. It won't happen before the earth is destroyed. So what can we do? Choose to live our own lives in bliss, helping those who cross our paths however and whenever we can. And accept whatever fate the universe has in store for us. NO FEAR. NO FEAR! Do not give in to the brainwash of the fear mongers who are the new world order.