As one US Airways flight 1549 survivor put it, "God was certainly looking out for all of us।" So I guess what this fortunate fellow means is, God, the old man with the beard who lives up in the clouds, decided that all the people on US Airways flight 1549 were so special, that he decided to frighten the crap out of all of them by faking a fatal plane crash, systematically making them think that they were going to die, then at the very last minute, God said, "HA-HA! Just kidding! I'm not going to kill you! I just wanted to scare the shit out of you, and then save your asses, since you're all so special, and I really want you to know that I care for you and love you, so I'm going to save you now, so that you believe in me। The passengers on Flight 800, and other catastrophic fatal crashes were generally not good people, and so I disposed of them... After all, I'm God, damn it, and I exterminate bad people. The Sudanese victims of genocide are generally bad people, which is why I don't let them live. 9-11 rescue workers, trapped and crushed on 9-11... Obviously bad people... Jewish victims of the Holocaust? Well certainly I had to kill them since they didn't believe in the divinity of my son Jesus. I mean, no brainer there."
There you have it folks। If you survived a near fatal plane crash, it wasn't because a highly trained and experienced professional crew exemplified ingenuity, composure, and magnificent skill to save your ass, it's because God apparently loves you more than others, whom he has previously allowed to perish.
Or, perhaps what this gentleman really meant was that universal consciousness combined with the laws of Karma provided the fate which was the destiny of Flight 1549. But I doubt it.
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