I've been to hundreds of masses, received communion, chanted with Buddhists, meditated in Ashrams, sung Hebrew prayer in a Synagogue during Shabbat, and prayed among Muslims. Still nothing brings me closer to what I call God, than sitting on a beach at sunset, walking through the clouds amidst a rich wildlife area in Colorado at eight or nine thousand feet, making love to my beautiful Goddess, or consuming an incredible salad. But that's just me. I'm not here to preach to others, or tell them how to connect with the absolute. And I'm certainly not here to bring down the holy, or insult the practices that many hold sacred. The mission of God Loves ME Best! is to show that we are all one. All these methods for finding peace and joy in life through God, are really all the same. It is those who segregate themselves through organized religious fundamentalism, deem themselves superior through their chosen form of God (or no God), disobey the laws of Karma (some call it the ten commandments) while maintaining a self righteous stance, take holy scripture literally word for word, or persecute and repress and kill in the name of "God," that we aim to expose... God Loves ME Best! is a character study of some of the most interesting, entertaining, and unfortunately some of the most destructive people on the planet.
What fueled the creation of the show, are the haters and war mongers, who claim to be connected to some form of God, while simultaneously administering violence upon humanity, and destruction upon the earth. These are liars and hypocrites and unbeknownst to them, they actually have no connection to God. Because if they did, things would be different. And there would be no wars. In Christian terms, Satan is very much alive on the planet, and he comes in the form of those who destroy life in the name of God.
Can we personally change them? Nope. But we can certainly make fun of them in a TV show. And why not? If it's done right, maybe they'll even laugh at themselves.
Peace and Love.