The Iranian Leader has just secured a lead role in our next episode!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
God Loves ME Best! named official selection of Hoboken International Film Festival
God Loves ME Best! is an official selection in the pilot competition at the upcoming Hoboken International Film Festival! Screening is on Monday, June 1st at 4pm at Cedar Lane Cinemas, 503 Cedar Lane, Tea Neck, NJ 07666. View Map.
Don't miss this opportunity to see the original 22 minute pilot in its entirety on the big screen.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
"Killing In the Name of God" - George Carlin
"More people have been killed in the name of God than for any other reason..."
Friday, January 23, 2009
Tolerating Intolerance For The Sake of Entertainment
Here's the thing: God Loves ME Best! is not here to rain on anyone's spiritual parade, nor do we seek to belittle seekers of the truth. If that were the case than we would be the hypocrites... because the truth is really all that matters to us. If we were to be intolerant of anyone for having a religion, than we would be the laughing stock of ourselves, because our show is designed to ridicule the intolerant.
I've been to hundreds of masses, received communion, chanted with Buddhists, meditated in Ashrams, sung Hebrew prayer in a Synagogue during Shabbat, and prayed among Muslims. Still nothing brings me closer to what I call God, than sitting on a beach at sunset, walking through the clouds amidst a rich wildlife area in Colorado at eight or nine thousand feet, making love to my beautiful Goddess, or consuming an incredible salad. But that's just me. I'm not here to preach to others, or tell them how to connect with the absolute. And I'm certainly not here to bring down the holy, or insult the practices that many hold sacred. The mission of God Loves ME Best! is to show that we are all one. All these methods for finding peace and joy in life through God, are really all the same. It is those who segregate themselves through organized religious fundamentalism, deem themselves superior through their chosen form of God (or no God), disobey the laws of Karma (some call it the ten commandments) while maintaining a self righteous stance, take holy scripture literally word for word, or persecute and repress and kill in the name of "God," that we aim to expose... God Loves ME Best! is a character study of some of the most interesting, entertaining, and unfortunately some of the most destructive people on the planet.
What fueled the creation of the show, are the haters and war mongers, who claim to be connected to some form of God, while simultaneously administering violence upon humanity, and destruction upon the earth. These are liars and hypocrites and unbeknownst to them, they actually have no connection to God. Because if they did, things would be different. And there would be no wars. In Christian terms, Satan is very much alive on the planet, and he comes in the form of those who destroy life in the name of God.
Can we personally change them? Nope. But we can certainly make fun of them in a TV show. And why not? If it's done right, maybe they'll even laugh at themselves.
Peace and Love.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Pastor DICK'S Inaugural Disruption
HOORAY! Bush is out of office! HOORAY! Obama is finally president! Hooray, hooray, hooray. Yesterday, we witnessed a great moment in history and politics. Simultaneously, not since Pastor Rick Warren's "purpose driven discussions" last summer, have I been so disturbed with American politics. On Tuesday, January 20th, 2009, the historical inauguration day of America's first African American president, Pastor Rick has once again managed to slither his way into the spotlight. According to CNN it was Obama's decision, which I'm sure came as a recommendation from his advisors, who sought to purify bad blood with the evangelical Christian right, floating behind in the wake of the brutal presidential election battle of 2008. Consequently, one of America's greatest days in history has been tarnished by Pastor DICK'S inaugural blessing. Why is it, that in the middle of a political triumph, a fundamentalist spokesman for Christianity must take the stage to demonstrate to the rest of the planet, that the United States of America is in fact a CHRISTIAN nation, while forcing millions of American voters of other denominations, creeds, beliefs, and non-beliefs, to participate in the Lord's prayer? To the Islamic extremists, otherwise known as "the enemy," that little stunt is the equivalent of one of our presidential predecessor's more famous lines, "Bring em' on." Why? why? WHY?... Is it so important to emphasize religion in American politics? It's disturbing! Am I the only one disturbed by this? What is going on? By tattooing Obama's presidency with the Christian stamp of approval, not only are "they" creating danger for Americans abroad, "they" (whoever "they" are) are promoting terrorism, and inviting more destruction. It's a happy day of change for so many people, including myself, and I wish not to spoil the fun and the celebration, but when are we as a people really going to wake up? Because until there can be politics without the intervention of organized extreme religion, "we" (whoever "we" are) are still very much asleep.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
God Loves US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 Best?
As one US Airways flight 1549 survivor put it, "God was certainly looking out for all of us।" So I guess what this fortunate fellow means is, God, the old man with the beard who lives up in the clouds, decided that all the people on US Airways flight 1549 were so special, that he decided to frighten the crap out of all of them by faking a fatal plane crash, systematically making them think that they were going to die, then at the very last minute, God said, "HA-HA! Just kidding! I'm not going to kill you! I just wanted to scare the shit out of you, and then save your asses, since you're all so special, and I really want you to know that I care for you and love you, so I'm going to save you now, so that you believe in me। The passengers on Flight 800, and other catastrophic fatal crashes were generally not good people, and so I disposed of them... After all, I'm God, damn it, and I exterminate bad people. The Sudanese victims of genocide are generally bad people, which is why I don't let them live. 9-11 rescue workers, trapped and crushed on 9-11... Obviously bad people... Jewish victims of the Holocaust? Well certainly I had to kill them since they didn't believe in the divinity of my son Jesus. I mean, no brainer there."
There you have it folks। If you survived a near fatal plane crash, it wasn't because a highly trained and experienced professional crew exemplified ingenuity, composure, and magnificent skill to save your ass, it's because God apparently loves you more than others, whom he has previously allowed to perish.
There you have it folks। If you survived a near fatal plane crash, it wasn't because a highly trained and experienced professional crew exemplified ingenuity, composure, and magnificent skill to save your ass, it's because God apparently loves you more than others, whom he has previously allowed to perish.
Or, perhaps what this gentleman really meant was that universal consciousness combined with the laws of Karma provided the fate which was the destiny of Flight 1549. But I doubt it.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
God Loves ME Best! Viewed One Hundred Thousand Times on Youtube
Fifteen months after the God Loves ME Best! channel was created on Youtube, the series clips, trailers, and webisodes have surpassed the one hundred thousand mark and continue to generate hits, while new subscribers to the channel hop aboard on a daily basis. This was achieved without the help of Youtube, who has repeatedly ignored our requests for some featured time on their home-page. Not only that, but it appears that Youtube has somewhat censored our show, by not crediting our channel for "Directors Most Subscribed" during weeks in which we clearly had many more subscribers than the channels that were listed in Youtube's "Directors Most subscribed" category. In the meantime, a new pilot is being written with an approach that will really make people wonder if the characters are real or not. Amazingly, there are quite a few fans on Youtube, who actually believe that God Loves ME Best! is an actual reality show. On that note, I would have to congratulate the cast on a job well done. We've successfully managed to make some smart people laugh while angering some nim-rods, and apparently fooling some dim-wits. Now for the next order of business... to find our audience on cable television.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Cheers to all the people who will kill, die, and torture this year in the name of their imaginary God! Peace be unto all.
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